Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Flue Season

   If you own a wood stove or a fireplace, as soon as August's warmth vanishes in favor of September's cool winds, you know it's time to get that wood pile ready for the burning season. Nothing is better than a roaring fire on a cold autumn night as the background for family game night or to curl up with a good book.

   Something else is just around the corner, not nearly as pleasant as wood fires. You see the signs everywhere, particularly at pharmacies: Flu Shots Available.

   Yes, big groan. 

    It's that time of the year again when kids bring home, not only their daily crafts, but also one or two germs that will undoubtedly cause you some grief. With this in mind, you pull in and go through the process. A day later your arm is sore, but you can enjoy some peace of mind in the knowledge that by taking a preventative stance, you stand a much better chance of getting through the season without catching the flu.

   This post however, is dedicated to Flue Season, as in you chimney flue season. 


   Flue season is a great way of reminding ourselves that as eager as we may be to light up a fire, we have to take that preventative stance for the sake of our home's safety.

   This autumn, just like every year, chimney professionals will be flooded with calls. Animal intrusion, smoke problems, draft problems, yes, it's flue season. However, much like that flue shot we endure to prevent missing work or going through the fevers, boxes of tissues, and over all awful sickness, there's something you can do for your chimney: Have your flues checked by a reputable chimney professional.

   A trustworthy professional chimney technician can give you a thorough "checkup" of the your chimney. Every aspect of the structure will be covered, exterior, crown, condition of the flue passage, and overall efficiency. 
   A chimney sweeping may be recommended to clear bird nests or to remove debris from the smoke shelf in the event the flue has been unprotected all spring and summer. Recommendations will be made, all in the interest of saving you expensive repairs by adequately protecting your chimneys. Most important of all, when the technician leaves, you will either enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing everything checks out alright and you can look forward to comfortable nights at home when the weather turns cold, or you will know what steps to take in order to keep your home and those in it safe.

   Think of early fall as Flue Season and give your chimney, whether it's for a fireplace, a wood stove or your gas or oil furnaces or boilers, the "Flue Shot" by contacting your local chimney professional. 

   Know what to expect of your systems. Prevent further issues arising from animal intrusion, debris deposits or loss of heat due to a needed repair or relining in the middle of December, and you can enjoy the comfort of warmth and the snap and crackle of those logs you split without wondering or hoping you never have a problem.
And of course, don't forget your flu shot for yourself.

   Javier A. Robayo

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